Match22 takes extensive advantage of Apple's Speech Synthesis technology. This cool technology, called the Speech Manager or the Text-To-Speech synthesizer, enables the computer to read aloud written text in one of several preinstalled voices.
Speech can be turned On or Off by pressing the Speech button at the bottom left of the screen. When Speech is on, the name of every card that is turned is automatically spoken. Also, wherever written text appears in Match22 (with a few exceptions), clicking on it will cause it to be spoken.
Once Speech has been turned On, you may select 'Voice…' from the 'Game' menu to select the voice to use. The different voices that are available to you are the voices that are installed in your system. These voices are not part of Match22.
Some of the voices are easier to understand, while others are quite zany. Match22 attempts to select for you by default the most legible voice of those that are present.
The Speech Manager is a built in part of system software versions following 7.5, but can also be installed in previous system versions. If Match22 refuses to turn speech ON, then the Speech Manager is not present or it may be improperly installed.
For more information about the Speech Manager visit:
The latest version of the Speech Manager (as these lines are written) is version 1.4. Version 1.4 of the Speech Manager is included as part of System 7.6 or later, but can be installed in previous system versions. You may download Speech Manager version 1.4 from: